How Does Radon Gas Cause Cancer
Many homeowners wonder, “How does radon gas cause cancer?” upon learning about the presence of the radioactive gas for the first time. That question is understandable since many Pennsylvania homeowners are surprised by the presence of radon in their homes. By damaging the lungs through radiatio…
Are Radon Levels Higher In Winter? How Seasons Affect Radon
The cold, snowy winter months are fully here, and one of the questions we get asked most often during this time is: are radon levels higher in winter? To answer that question, yes, radon levels in a home tend to be higher during the winter. And those higher levels of radon gas can lead to an in…
Radon-Rid, LLC Highlights Local Efforts to Reduce Radon
Colorless, odorless radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States and causes around 21,000 lung cancer deaths per year. While some have known about the dangers of radon for a long time, the public as a whole has just recently learned about the effects and presence of…
Why is Radon Testing in Winter Smart?
The winter months are just around the corner, and winter means different things to different people. Some think of enjoying the snow by going out skiing or snowboarding, while others prefer to sit by a warm fire with a cup of hot chocolate. Winter also can result in increased radon levels, an…
Check for Radon During Lung Cancer Awareness Month
November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month, and while many people and health organizations rightly focus on smoking-related lung cancer, we also want to help spread awareness of radon. Many people in the United States are unaware of radon. But radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer i…
Radon-Rid, LLC Explains Types of Remediation Systems
Radon poses a serious threat to thousands of Americans, being the second-leading cause of lung cancer. That threat is the reason that getting your home tested by a professional is essential. But what about removing or preventing radon from entering your home? Radon-Rid, LLC explains the various…
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Radon – The Silent Killer
Radon In Your Home
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